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What You Could Do 
With us?

Connect With Students for 30 mins for a doubt clarification or Project Discussion or Career Counselling or domain talk

Get Paid: INR 125 for 30mins

Meet The Mentor

Mould Students for longer hours by sharing them the knowledge they need to be like you, create syllabus which will be curated By Space Zee & Endorsed by an Industry

Get Paid: Own Pricing per Hour

Webinar & Courses

Interview the students, provide feedback to them to make them shine like a star, ensure they are well prepared by pointing their mistakes. Be their North Star

Get Paid: INR 50 per student

Mock Interview

Every thing should be in Balck and White if it has to be legal!
Help students to craft their resume by evaluating their resumes, that enables them to leverage the companies they apply for!

Get Paid: INR 50 Per Resume

Resume Evaluation

Everyone has their dream ideas and projects, endorsing them from a strict industry expert perspective guides them to understand how to evolve the product better!
Review projects to rebuild!

Get Paid: INR 20 Per Project

Project Evaluation

You have a content that needs to be desperately known to others, start writing it as a content that could reach 1000s of studnets, where all could benefit.

Get Paid: INR 100 Per Article
for Every 1000 views 10% of regular charges
For every 1000 up-votes 10% of regular charges

Write / Post

Get Guranteed Income of min INR 10,000 Every Month

To Know more about EZ Points and other benefits please login

Becoming Mentor

You feel that you are someone with Skills, that can be Transferred to others and made as Awesome as you are?
Then we would recommend you to register as Mentor with us, to make you Awesomely Awesome!

Getting Paid

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Get Paid For The Time you Spent & Knolwedge You Shared!

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